Who are Uada, in Italy for a single date on November 3rd

Who are Uada, in Italy for a single date on November 3rd

Uada, an American melodic black metal group that will be in Italy for a single date of the “A Decade Of Reflective Divinations” tour, is back in Italy. On stage before them Ghost Bath and Cloak.

The band was formed in 2014 in Oregon, from the meeting between guitarists James Sloan And Jake Superchi (the latter also engaged as a singer). The stage name? “Uada” is a Latin term which when translated sounds more or less like “haunted”. After their debut in 2016 with “Devoid of light”, the band sent to stores – in order – “Cult of a dying sun” from 2018, “Djinn” from 2020 and “Crepuscule natura” from 2023.

The band will perform on November 3rd in Milan on the stage of the Legend Club: they will present live the songs from their latest album, released last year. Tickets available on MC2Live.it, Vivaticket.com and at the box office on the evening of the show.

Details and times

7.00pm – Doors open
7.30pm – Cloak
8.45pm – Ghost Bath
10.05pm – Uada