The greatest moment in rock history for Billie Joe
The frontman of Green Day Billie Joe Armstrong gave his opinion on the greatest moment in rock history. For the Californian musician, the highest performance in the 70 years of rock history took place on August 21, 2017. Its protagonist is the former voice of Black Sabbath Ozzy Osbourne who sang his “Bark At The Moon” at the Moonstock Festival in Carterville, Illinois, during a solar eclipse.
It happened that when Ozzy and his band started playing, after being introduced on stage by the very famous
“CarminaBurana” Of Carl Orffit was still clear in the sky, but after the first notes of “Bark at the Moon” – title track of the British musician's third solo album released in 1983 – the sky darkened as the moon covered the sun, to return to light at the end of the song.
Billie Joe's thoughts, expressed on social media (“Probably the greatest moment in the history of rock”), garnered the approval of some fans who defined that moment as 'the most metal thing ever' and thanked Ozzy for that moment unforgettable that only a prince of darkness like him could give to his faithful.