Bobby Solo wins the Festivalbar 1964

The Alunni del Sole win the Festivalbar 1978

The winning song of the 1978 Festivalbar was “Liù” by Alunni del Sole

Also competing were:

Rino Gaetano with “Nuntereggae più”

Anna Oxa with “Do it with me”

Julio Iglesias with “I’m a Pirate, I’m a Gentleman”

Leano Morelli with “Singing, shouting… feeling all equal”

The Art Workshop with “You Will Be Beautiful”

Gianni Bella with “No”

Riccardo Fogli with “I’ll take you away”

Alan Sorrenti with “Donna luna”

Enzo Carella with “Amara”

Miguel Bosé with “Anna”

Pino Daniele with “Cà calore”

Walter Foini with “A woman…a story”

The Festivalbar was a summer event that took place every year from 1964 to 2007. Created by Vittorio Salvetti, it was initially intended to reward the most “popular” song on jukeboxes during the summer (each device was connected to a counter that recorded the data); later the ranking was established also considering radio and television airplay and sales data. The winning song was announced in September, with a public evening held in Asiago from 1964 to 1974 (with the exceptions of 1965, when it was held in Milan, and 1966 and 1967, when it was held in Salice Terme), and then from 1975 at the Verona Arena.