Grignani and the interrupted show.  He speaks: "Here's what happened"

Grignani and the interrupted show. He speaks: “Here's what happened”

“There were technical problems right from the start, but I carried on the show for an hour and a half: in a zero date it's normal for something to go wrong, and I joked about it with the audience to lighten things up. The problems all “everyone had the start of a tour, even Bowie, the Foo Fighters, John Lennon, the Muse”: this is how Gianluca Grignani comments on the zero date incident of the “Residui di rock'n'roll” tour last Friday in Novara .

The singer-songwriter of “Destinazione Paradiso”, “La mia storia tra le dita” and “L'aiuola” was performing on the stage of the Phenomenon, a club in the Novara area, when at a certain point he became the protagonist of a spat with the members of the band after almost an hour of show, complaining of technical problems. Left alone on stage, Grignani blurted out: “It doesn't fucking work.” “The guitar doesn't work. That other guy does what he wants. Everyone does whatever the fuck they want and then I find myself in trouble. I'm not joking, but I want to understand this thing. I'm forced to end the concert here”, he said, recorded by cell phones, before leaving the stage. Grignani then returned, singing some of his hits a cappella.

Now in an interview granted to the Bolognese edition of La Repubblica to present the concert which on Friday 29 March from Taneto di Reggio Emilia will mark the official debut of the tour, the 51-year-old singer-songwriter explains: “I was angry because for me the quality of that that I do and I always try with the band to raise the bar of the show, even on a zero date”. And again: “I got off the stage to talk to the staff, but the problems couldn't be resolved; I came back and out of love and respect for my audience I sang a cappella”.