Goodbye to Graeme Naysmith, guitarist of Pale Saints

Goodbye to Graeme Naysmith, guitarist of Pale Saints

He passed away on April 4th at the age of 57 Graeme Naysmiththe guitarist of Pale Saints. This was announced in a message published on Facebook by his current band, the X-Ray Eyes. “We are devastated to say that our guitarist and friend Jock (Graeme) Naysmith has passed away. He was a great guitarist but an even better guy, we will miss him beyond belief. He was a much loved husband and father and our thoughts go out to all his family. We have managed to record a lot of new songs with Jock in the last few years, hopefully they will be released in the future.” The causes of death have not been revealed.

Naysmith co-founded i
Pale Saints
in Leeds in 1987 with the singer-bassist
Ian Masters
and the drummer
Chris Cooper
. The group achieved a small success with the cover of
“Kinky Love”
Nancy Sinatra
with Lush's lead singer Meriel Barham, who joined the
Pale Saints
in 1990.

After i
Pale Saints
Naysmith played with Cooper in several Leeds bands such as
Lorimer, Program, Flies On You, Father Figures
which later changed its name to C
yanide Pills
once Naysmith left the band. In 2010,
joined the member of the
Cyanide Pills Sy Shields
in a band called the Longshots, which later morphed into the

performing under the name of
Jock Strap