Ghemon: "Sanremo, featuring and playlists are not success"

Ghemon: “Sanremo, featuring and playlists are not success”

Following the message shared on social media yesterday, February 16, by Sangiovanni to announce that he wants to stop making it known that he does not have “the physical and mental energy at this moment to carry on” his project, several artists are sharing messages of support or reflections on the topic of metal health linked to discography.

Among those who expressed their thoughts – such as Fiorella Mannoia, Tiziano Ferro and others – Ghemon published on his Instagram profile, first among the stories and then as a post, a long personal reflection on the effects of the music industry on artists.

“I’ve always preferred to overlook or cash in with style. I put it off a lot, thinking about how I would pass for others if I had written something like that”, we read in the caption shared by the singer-songwriter of “Purple Roses” as a premise together with the message: “I I understood that I’m fine with being anything but the one who didn’t speak when it was time. I hope it helps someone and that the post ages badly, because it will mean that something will have changed!”.

In his long reflection, Ghemon explains: “The current music industry promotes a way of thinking and acting polluted by the cult of numbers and sold outs which is causing more damage than the public can see. Results produced in drums and filled with estrogen which give the illusion of great binges but which hide a world of lies and false expectations in which unfortunately a lot of girls and boys lose out”.

After the reference to the “crude limitations on freedom of expression made on live TV” regarding the genocide in Gaza, the artist adds:

“As with other more serious things, no one talks about this too for fear of retaliation, so as not to be seen as that frustrated person because they don’t have a piece of the cake or even worse, being excluded. However, lives are involved. of people. In music then we all know each other and it’s a moment that if you raise a problem or call out the person who causes it, you find yourself two months later managing your contract. Systematic in the world I come from they are practices and phrases aimed at dismantling piece by piece (if not destroying) the artist’s self-esteem, in order to be able to reduce it to matter without certainties and therefore more malleable. ‘Let’s do as you say, you probably know better than me’. Often these are boys *very young* who are not structured* to withstand certain blows, but I have also heard many people older than me recount experiences of this type. I believe that there are many other types of work in which this happens, but since those who make music he enjoys himself, talking about it seems marginal and like losers.

According to the performance society, the only way to exist is to play the game by wearing the dress that has been chosen for everyone because that already works. You sacrifice your identity because uniformity reassures the customer and the bottom line.”

It’s still:

“Many boys and girls, young or old, are emotionally broken trying to cope with these numbers, I hear so many stories, so many depressions, so many breakdowns. Nobody talks to them and nobody talks to them. It’s not about flirting with success and fall, but something else. They end up making you believe if you don’t do those numbers, it’s not that YOU HAVE FAILED but YOU HAVE FAILED. For them it’s work and at the end of the day it ends. For you it’s your life and they come to sleep with you. But you you know that what I say is true, what are you waiting for? To make regretful comments when a more fragile boy or girl cannot handle the pressure of this system and does something from which there is no turning back? We need the records of another Tenco, not of his tragic ending. I say this because maybe it could have been me, if I hadn’t held off.

They make you think that it all ended there and you don’t know that you can pursue your success in a thousand other ways instead. It’s not that going to Sanremo, the album full of featured features and the editorial playlist are the only symptoms of success. They are just the best known. There are a thousand other ways, but they aren’t flat, so you have to work your ass off and the net isn’t there underneath. Rather than crying because the apron doesn’t fit, at a certain point you learn to sew a dress on your own. That is a creative act and it doesn’t matter if there isn’t the label of a famous brand on it. If it’s something it’s beautiful, it’s beautiful even if it’s not from Gucci.

I also did this recently and this I learned from my twenty-year career. Career that is a consequence, fault and result of my no’s (I’m known for always saying no, a big cocksucker). I have always defended my creativity, taking credit for it and also paying many consequences. For some time now I have been totally independent, which means that I have no manager, label or publisher. Recently, as you know, I also fired the singer. At my side there are people who believe that my work consists in creating something that wasn’t there before and together we try to go beyond what we see or create something that isn’t there. There is no magic formula, but as mentioned: the journey is long.

To you who read me and also a little to me who write: be yourself*, be happy* not to be like the others, actually invest precisely in that, surround yourself with people who want to go a long way with you. Every day we start again from the beginning, everyone will have white hair, a belly, rheumatism and numbers will be a distant memory. What will remain is how much you managed to remain yourself through the changes and not how much you adapted to that system. Listen to me, tell them to fuck off.”

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