Mahmood, Diodato, Angelina Mango and Annalisa stand out at the rehearsals

Sanremo 2024: the report cards from the first evening of the Festival

On the first evening of the 2024 Sanremo Festival, all thirty competing singers perform. The songs are voted by web and print journalists. For each performance/song, journalists must express a vote from 1 to 10, thus determining the first partial ranking. Rockol is among the publications present and accredited in the press room: on this page you will find our votes as the singers come out on the Ariston stage. Furthermore, as always, we discuss how the votes were awarded based on the songs and performances we see on TV from the press room. You deliberately won’t find criticism or too low ratings.

Clara – “Diamonds in the rough”: 6

Icebreaker: Better than rehearsals, she seems confident and holds the stage well. But the song is a bit formulaic with questionable phrases, let’s say (“It’s the first time/the one you don’t forget/that kiss with the tongue that’s scary”).

Sangiovanni – “Finish me”: 5

A little Blanco, a little Calcutta in the interpretation, but only on paper, not in the rendering. A more “traditional” and at the same time mature Sangiovanni compared to other episodes: the piece, however, never takes flight.

Fiorella Mannoia – “Mariposa”: 6

La Mannoia does her thing: it’s not a song that will make you change your mind about her, but it’s performed with experience and class.

La Sad – “Self-destructive”: 7

Aliens with colored hair who, dressed in silver bones, bring a breath of pop-rock to the stage. And they do it by having fun and having fun, but also by conveying a positive message of resistance to life’s difficulties as demonstrated by the synergy, through signs, with Telefono Amico Italia. Message for the director: we also want to see the faces of the ladies in fur and the gentlemen in tuxedos in the front rows of the Ariston during their performances.

They have yet to perform, in order of release on stage

Irama – “Not you”

Ghali – “My Home”

Negramaro – “Let’s start everything again”

Annalisa – “Sincerely”

Mahmood – “Gold tracksuit”

Diodato – “You move”

Loredana Bertè “I p’me tu p’te’”

Geolier “I p’ me tu p’ te’”

Alessandra Amoroso “Up to here”

The Kolors – “One Boy One Girl”

Angelina Mango – “Boredom”

The “Masterpiece” Flight

Big Mama – “Anger is not enough for you”

Rich and Poor – “But not all of life”

Emma – “Apnea”

Renga and Nek – “Crazy about you”

Mr Rain – “Two Swings”

Bnkr44 – “Punk Government”

Gazelles – “That’s it”

Dargen D’Amico – “High wave”

Rose Villain – “Click boom”

French Saints – “Love in the mouth”

Fred DePalma “Heaven doesn’t want us”

Maninni – “Spectacular”

Alpha – “Go!”

The Three – “That’s it”