Pete Townshend: "AC/DC make all their albums the same"

Pete Townshend: “AC/DC make all their albums the same”

During an interview granted to the New York Times the guitarist and composer of Who Pete Townshend revealed that he doesn't like that AC/DC make albums similar to each other.

The 78-year-old Townshend said his 1985 solo album “White City” didn't sell well because fans were only interested in his old stuff. He then compared the way of making music of the Who compared to AC/DC: “AC/DC have made 50 albums, but they're all the same.

That wasn't the way The Who worked. We were a band of ideas. The Who are not Daltrey and Townshend on stage at 80 pretending to be young. It's the four of us in 1964, when we were 18 or 19 years old. If you want to see the legend of the Who, wait for the avatar show. It would be nice!”.

In the same interview, Pete Townshend he explained that he still wants to make new music with the Who: “I think I will. I feel like there's one thing The Who can do and that's a final tour where we play all over the world and then crawl to our deaths.” He also admitted that he no longer has great enthusiasm for playing in concert with them Who: “I'm not very excited about performing with The Who. If I'm honest, I toured for the money.”

The latest performances of Who date back to last week when they held two concerts at the Royal Albert Hall in London to raise funds for the Teenage Cancer Trust.