Kanye West samples the chants of the Inter curve in "Vultures 1".

Kanye West samples the chants of the Inter curve in “Vultures 1”.

Kanye West sample the chants of the Inter curve

The “Curva nord” of the Milanese team appears among the credits of Ye’s latest album

Kanye West and the North Milan Curve: two distant worlds which however cancel the six degrees of separation and find common ground on the new album by the American rapper.

Last weekend Kanye West, now become Yes, released his album Vultures 1” created in collaboration with Ty Dolla Mr where he sampled (reporting it among the credits) the Curva Nord choir which appears in two songs: “Carnival” And “Stars”, in the first the choirs are reported as “Choir Vocals” and in the second “Crowd Vocals” added to Federico Secondomè (author and producer) and the singer ZLYAH.

Choral parts can be heard in the two songs: specifically, in “Carnival”, the football influence appears evident, so much so that initially the title of the song was “Hoolygans”. The choir, obviously in English, opens the piece (without any musical accompaniment) and closes it.

Carnival” however, he is at the center of another controversy, this time for the use of an unauthorized sample. Ozzy Osbourne he in fact lashed out against the West/Ty Dolla Sign duo because they used, without Ozzy’s apparent authorization, the guitar riff of “Iron man”, a song by Black Sabbath, from the 1971 album “Paranoid”. The sampling it is available at minute 1′ and 45” of the track’s audio and at minute 1′ and 16” of a video on the Chicago event where the album was premiered. The former Black Sabbath singer said: “He was denied permission because he is an anti-Semite and has caused pain to many.”