Fabrizio De André: reissues of four more albums coming soon
“Creuza of the mä”, “Clouds”, “Saved souls”, “The singles” are the albums of which the next September 13th the new ones will be published re-releases from Sony Music Italia and the Fabrizio De André Onlus Foundation to carry forward the project “Way Point. Where are you from… Where are you going?”. The project aims to retrace the history of Fabrizio De André, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his death (it was January 11, 1999), through his words, his thoughts, his vision and his “journeys”, which are still relevant today.
“Way Point. Where are you from… Where are you going?” develops throughout 2024 with various initiatives, including complete navigation in De André’s discography which includes the re-release of all his studio albums in chronological order during the year in a Black LP 180 gr and CDenriched by special booklets with the lyrics of the songs, handwritten notes by the artist, thoughts, reflections, comments, excerpts from interviews relating to the songs and albums and some unpublished writings preserved at the De André Study Centre of the University of Siena.
After the release of the first 10 albums by the Genoese singer-songwriter (“Volume 1”, “Tutti morimmo a stento”, “Volume 3”, “La buona novella”, “Non al denaro non all’amore né al cielo”, “Storia di un impiegato”, “Songs”, “Volume 8”, “Rimini”, “Fabrizio De André / L’Indiano”), currently available in stores and digital stores, in September it will be the turn of the reprint of the next four albums: “Crêuza de mä”, “Le Nuvole”, “Anime Salve” and “I Singoli”, whose tracklist is “Nuvole barocche”, “Il fannullone”, “Per i tuoi grossi occhi”, “Geordie”, “Il pescatore”, “Titti”, “Una storia sbagliato”.
Here are all the planned reprints:
• Volume 1 (released February 16)
• We all died with difficulty (released February 16)
• Volume 3 (released February 16)
• The good news (released February 16)
• Not to money, not to love, not to heaven (released April 12)
• Story of an employee (released April 12)
• Songs (released April 12)
• Volume 8 (out June 7th)
• Rimini ((out June 7th)
• Fabrizio De André / The Indian (out June 7th)
• Creuza of the mä
• Clouds
• Hello Souls
• Singles