Tenco Award: nominations for the 2024 Tenco Plaques are open

Club Tenco: Tonight’s Location Changes for “Cantautorando”

Due to adverse weather forecasts for today, Thursday 5th September, the first of the three events at Lerici (La Spezia) with “CANTAUTORANDO The singer-songwriter’s living room(organized by Club Tenco) will take place at 9.00 pm at the Cinema Teatro Astoria (Nino Gerini Street, 40), instead of at the Arena della Rotonda Vassallo as previously communicated.

The evening opens with a showcase of Edward Church followed by the presentation of the book by Stephen Senardi “Life is a flash” (Fandango). Finally, Paola Turci he performs and tells his story, in dialogue with Stephen Senardi and with the host of the 3 evenings Francis Paracchini.

They remain confirmed at the Arena della Rotonda Vassallo (Roma Street, 51) to9.00 pm the events scheduled for tomorrowFriday 6th and Saturday 7th September (read here)

This is the planned program

Tomorrow, after the presentation of the book “Music and words – Brief history of the singer-songwriters in Italy” (Carocci) by Paul Talanca and a dialogue on the 50 years of the Tenco exhibition with Antonio Silvathe “Tenco Award for best arranger-producer” is awarded to Mauro Paoluzzi and a concert by Paoluzzi is held with a special superband that performs his greatest hits.

Saturday 7th September we start with the presentation of the book and the album “THEl Cantastaino – Friend, the meeting is the life of art” edited by Sergio Secondiano Sacchiwhich sees the musical accompaniment of Michael Staino with Fabrizio Mocata, Natalia Bolani and Martin Alvarado.

The event ends with a meeting where he talks and performs Luke Barbarossa.