May Day Concert 2024: tops and flops of the musical marathon

May Day Concert 2024: tops and flops of the musical marathon

The May Day concert, on stage for the first time at the Circus Maximus in Rome, begins in the rain, with various technical problems making the start tiring and immediately makes it clear which direction it will take: Ermal Meta, presenter together with Noemi and Big Mamato allow the technicians to resolve the impasse, he takes the guitar and sings “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen. An unexpected, very strong guitar and vocal performancewhich not only demonstrates how much the artist knows how to be on stage and is skilled at the job, but which also magically makes the sun appear amidst the applause and smiles of the audience. It's a sign. The light, even metaphorically, kisses those who really know how to be on stagethis is the true thread of the long musical marathon which features many names, but not all of them are truly centered from a live point of view.

Because the messages, the appeals, the words, some even a little rhetorical, are fine, the spirit of the concert is this, but singers and artists are there to do their job first and foremost, and it should be done as best as possible, also to honor that stage and what it represents. Morgan, with his unpublished “Rutti” and the monologue against the “policy that does not protect artists”, tries to take all the stage and the spotlight of the day, but the performances that really hit the mark are those of those who transmit strength, technique, intensity, emotion or sweetness, interpreting their songs in the best way. The group anger of Cor Poisonthe sensual irony of Toe in the sorethe sonic elegance of French Saints and Malika Ayanethe charisma of the very young Ollythe rock fire of Mottaaccompanied by a super band in which he also stands out Roberta Sammarelli of Verdenahis is the best performance of the first part of the event: these are the artists who light up the start of the event. However, there were many who were unprepared.

A May Day which, also given the difficult climate in which Rai finds itself in recent times, avoids controversy and avoids the most dangerous banana peels, focusing on songs and guests. Rose Villainwhich would make even more with a band and which instead presents itself alone, the thinking pop of The List Representative, Achille Laurowith its raw chaos, Geolierwhich is improving a lot on the live front, the sumptuous arrangements of Colapesce and Dimartinothe borderless sound world of Mahmoodthe karaoke of Lastthe sweaty, political electronics of Cosmos in closing: these are the snapshots and the other names that deserve a mention because they stand out in the second block. Positive note: “burps”, to quote Morgan's ironic and biting song, fortunately we didn't hear any.