Claudym: “My pop is dirty, not standardized”
Claudym is like Harley Quinn. In love with life, she lets herself be totally carried away by the purest feelings and relationships, but she is also capable, with words, and not with a baseball bat as in the case of the comic book character, to split in two those who try to bully her or make her suffer. Her sharpest blade is irony. She can be sweet and ruthless, even in the same song. “Incidenti di route”, his first album, it is produced by okgiorgio and Marcello Guava, with the exception of “Una notte da Dio (God's Plan)”, co-produced with Celo, i.e. Pietro Celoni. It's a multi-colored snapshot of who he is today Claudia Maccechini, this is her real name, one of the most interesting voices on the current emerging Italian scene.
“The record includes a very varied time frame because it was worked on in two different phases, the first with okgiorgio, then there was a breakup and my crisis, and the second with Marcello Guava. By pausing work with okgiorgio, I had to reinvent myself. But then I had a great time with Guava and I got involved. All this allowed the album to tell an evolution and maturity that I had from 2023 onwards. It's a pop record, but not in the meaning we're used to, therefore more standard, but a dirty and contaminated pop like we often listen to abroad”, says Claudym. In the lyrics, puns and repeated hooks become nursery rhymes that fit together perfectly with energetic productions and pushed ups and bpms. Self in 2022 with his debut EP “Un-Popular” he presented himself as an outsider of the music scene telling his story without censorship and demonstrating his versatility, with his first album Claudym broadens and defines his artistic horizonsrecounting those accidents and deviations that mess up plans, but force you to react and discover yourself.
“I try to do what I like, I don't ask myself many questions – he continues – I look at the new pop scene and contemporary artists like Upsahl and Renforshortmy sound is also influenced by that of giants like Blur, Gorillaz, Prodigy and Babyshambles because the 90s, when I was facing my youth, were fundamental artists for my growth. And I certainly don't want to forget the Spice Girlsa listen that I claim (laughs, ed.)”. In Claudym's songs there are semi-serious situations and tragicomic scenesdaily bad luck, everyday mini tragedies that unite us and universal feelings. All with an uncommon attention to writing, it is precisely his pen that makes it special. “I started writing in Italian late, before I wrote in English – she recalls – in the past I was told that I was not very incisive and that I needed to be clearer. This insecurity in approaching writing pushed me, paradoxically, to try and try again. Writing is not easy, I write alone, in my room. In this album, compared to the EP which was more driven by an impetus, I act more as a narrator and this leads to greater identification for the listener. There is a more narrator's vision. I can't make the stories I tell 'romantic', very rarely are they, which is why I believe they are very unfiltered. I like the ironic, revengeful and sharper approach”.
Claudym will present “Travel Accidents” with a concert organized by Magellano Concerti, Wednesday 27 March at the Apollo Club in Milan. “I'm understanding how to approach the live dimension, I'm discovering myself, there are some pieces that I wrote specifically imagining myself on stage, among these there is 'Triggers' – he concludes – one of my favorite tracks is 'More than this' because it closes the album, but at the same time it is the future. In fact it is a sort of culmination of my friendship with Marcello Guava. Of course there will be a band, I like the direct, instrumental approach: there will be guitar, keyboards and drums. And I want it to be a party in the sense of sharing.”