After a concert they assigned me the borderò. How is it compiled?

After a concert they assigned me the borderò. How is it compiled?

If you are a musician who plays live it will have happened to you (or at least you hope) that the organizer asks you at the end of the evening to fill in the SIAE form in paper or online. In this article we try to explain first of all what it is and then how to compile the musical program of an event, focusing on the digital compilation method.

Many will wonder what the Music Program (or I will borderNot borderaux and similar) and why this burden lies with the artist: this is the document (until July 2016 only on paper) that SIAE provides to the Organizer following the request for permission for the event so that, once filled in by the Director of Execution (i.e. the artist who performed) is returned to the company with the list of all the works that were performed during the evening. The purpose of I will post online is to carry out a totally analytical breakdown of copyright proceedsand among those entitled to the works performed.

But let’s go into detail and see all the steps to follow. First of all, to have access to the “mioBorderò” – Executive Director portal, the artist must be registered with the SIAE online services. You can register independently or upon invitation from the Organizer via email. Anyone can register for free and not just SIAE members or principals as the Executive Director may not even be an author or composer; in the case of associates or principals it will simply be necessary to additionally insert the no. of SIAE position when required.

The artist will receive a warning e-mail every time the Organizer sends him the borderò relating to the event in which he will have to play. To accept it he will just have to enter the “mioBorderò” portal, click on the chosen musical program present in the “from” section. accept” and then confirm the operation; the form will then automatically move to the “to be filled in” section.

So let’s see the sections into which the digital notebook is now divided.

1) Information about the Executive Director: the data will be reported automatically as they are entered into the system during registration on the portal; simply check them to be sure and it will always be possible to modify them by accessing the “my account” section.

2) Information on the ensemble and musical performers: in this section the data of the executors of the works are entered. It will be possible to choose between “single performer” immediately moving on to the next phase, or “musical ensemble”; having entered the general data of the band, it will be necessary to indicate the members with name and surname and possibly, if SIAE members or principals, the no. position. The indication of the authors or composers registered with the SIAE who took part in the performance is required to guarantee the correct compilation of the form for fellow authors. In fact, they are expected disciplinary sanctions against the SIAE member or principal, both as Execution Director of the musical program and as an artist who participated in the performance, for incorrectly filling in the form which inevitably leads to a diversion of compensation in favor of entitled authors, composers and publishers.

3) Compositions: the time has come to insert the exact compositions as performed during the performance. Compared to the paper form in which it was necessary to enter the title of the work and the surname of at least one of the composers, with the digital form the possibility of error is reduced to a minimum because it is possible to search for the works directly in the SIAE works archive by “title” and “composer/author/performer”, once the exact work has been identified, simply add it to the list of selected songs. If the archive search has not produced any results, it will be possible to manually add a song by entering the title and at least one piece of data between composer/author/performer. Finally it is possible create from the playlist with all the songs that the artist usually performs, to be quickly added to the list. SIAE members or principals also have the “my repertoire” menu available, in which they can find all their deposited works.

Once these phases have been completed and the accuracy of the data entered has been checked, the artist will be able to return the digital musical program to the Organizer, preferably within 5 days following the event, who will in turn send it to SIAE.

Finally, to facilitate operations, as well as from the desktop, it is possible to compile and send digital musical programs also through the “mioBorderò” app, available free of charge for both iOS and Android; now you really have no more excuses!

Lawyer Emanuela Teodora Russo

Legal Notes is a social promotion association that aims to protect and improve the musician’s profession. With over 18 years of activity and more than 5000 members in history, Note Legali is today the most representative trade association in the music sector in Italy, which unites musicians of all backgrounds and professional levels. To find out about the activities that Note Legali makes available to its members, visit our website

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Here is Rockol’s video interview with the founder of Note Legali, Andrea Marco Ricci.

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